Thursday, October 29, 2009

A little bit miserable.

I've been very tired lately and yesterday at work I was having trouble concentrating and had a couple of vague, slightly dizzy moments. So I'm at home today, resting. I don't think I totally got over the head and chest cold I had a few weeks ago.

I've not felt like doing much lately but thought I would share some photos of an activity The Boy and I did last night for school. They had read "Letters From Felix" about a lost toy rabbit who goes on a world tour (presumably having been picked up by someone at the airport) and sends letters home from all over the place. The Boy's teacher arranged for them all to take turns taking home a teddy bear called "Mr Cuddle Bear" and write in a shared book about their experiences together. It looks like The Boy is one of the last kids in the class to bring Mr Cuddle Bear home so there were a lot of interesting adventures already written up.

The Man was at his weekly poker night and all I wanted to do was go to bed, but I thought that we needed to make some sort of effort for The Boy to have as good a page in the adventure book, so here are a few photos of The Adventures of Mr Cuddle Bear

Playing Xbox and Playstation 2



Playing Bakugan

And what else do we do here for a bit of fun? We learn to knit and knit our own vest.

I'm hoping to feel a bit better tomorrow, as I will have to go back to work, and at least by the weekend as I have more shopping to do for my costume for the costume party in two weeks time. And now, I'm off to crash on the couch for a bit with a cup of tea. 

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