Sunday, August 24, 2014

And the daffodils look lovely today

Last Friday was Daffodil Day, the Cancer Council's major national fundraising day. I stumbled onto a banner ad asking for volunteers when I was looking on their site for some information a few weeks ago and thought it was a great opportunity for me to do something - not that any money I helped to raise would be of great assistance to Mum, but future research may prevent someone else's family from going through this. 

I signed up to help at a site near work in the city, and bought myself a yellow blouse to wear as I don't have anything yellow.

Late on Thursday night I decided that just the blouse wasn't enough yellow, so I crocheted myself a rather haphazard granny square-inspired beanie.

I had a great day. The other people on my stall were all Cancer Council staff. I was surprised that there weren't more volunteers but perhaps they were all on other stalls. It was a cold, wet day in Brisbane, and apparently sales were down on previous years, but I was happy to do what I could. 

I'll definitely be there again next year.