The taxi's booked, we're checked in for our flight, we're almost packed. We're going to Sydney this afternoon.
I'm looking forward to seeing all my family again but I think it's going to be a bit of a busy week. We'll have to make sure we get a bit of down-time in there somewhere.
Santa came early last night to bring The Boy the SS Feathersword, Captain Feathersword from the Wiggles' pirate ship.
Santa is an incredibly perceptive anthropomorphic personification, and so he realised that the SS Feathersword was waaaay too big for The Boy to bring home from Sydney and so he would need to bring it early. Well done, Santa.
I noticed on an ad on tv last night that they're showing Terry Pratchett's Hogfather on free to air tv here. Tomorrow (Sunday) and Monday at 8.30pm in Brissy and Sydney, check your guides elsewhere... Take a look at it if you get a chance, because it's beautifully done, with some big names in it, and it's full of Pterry's trademark humour. I found out this week that Pterry's been diagnosed with Early-onset Alzheimers, which is a great shame. Still, as he says in a number of posts on this thing we call the internet, he still aten't dead, and he reckons he has a few more books in him yet. Bring on the dried frog pills, I say.
I'm finished all my must-do Christmas knitting, and I'm half-way through a nice-to-have mystery project. I'm about to go and raid the stash to find something to take to Sydney with me. Even though it will be busy, it will be the sitting around in cars, trains, ferries, and at other people's houses kind of busy - with plenty of good knitting time. I just wish i could knit on the plane.....I think I might smuggle a tapestry needle into my carry-on so that I can sew up the first half of the unfinished mystery project. Surely no-one can protest about a tapestry needle!
On the health front, I think my Crohn's is starting to settle down after three weeks back on the steroids. I'm still getting a little bit of pain and bloating, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was. I'm hoping that it will improve more so that I can drop the dose of the steroids soon. That and I'm kindof sick of the pain and bloating and burping. :)
I hope everyone has a happy Christmas week with whatever they are doing. I hope it's all fun and stress-free and that you get to do a lot (or at least a little)of whatever you're looking forward to for the week.
Merry Christmas and big hugs.